• 服务性能分析




    1. package main
    2. import (
    3. "github.com/gogf/gf/g/net/ghttp"
    4. )
    5. func main() {
    6. s := ghttp.GetServer()
    7. s.EnablePprof()
    8. s.BindHandler("/", func(r *ghttp.Request){
    9. r.Response.Writeln("哈喽世界!")
    10. })
    11. s.SetPort(8199)
    12. s.Run()
    13. }


    1. /debug/pprof/*action
    2. /debug/pprof/cmdline
    3. /debug/pprof/profile
    4. /debug/pprof/symbol
    5. /debug/pprof/trace

    其中/debug/pprof/*action为页面访问的路由,其他几个地址为go tool pprof命令准备的。简单的性能分析我们直接访问/debug/pprof地址即可,内容如下:

    1. pprof页面

      服务性能分析 - 图1

    2. 堆使用量

      服务性能分析 - 图2

    3. 当前进程中的goroutine详情

      服务性能分析 - 图3

    如果想要进行详细的性能分析,基本上离不开go tool pprof命令行工具的支持,在开启性能分析支持后,我们可以使用以下命令执行性能采集分析:

    1. go tool pprof ""

    执行后pprof工具经过约30秒左右的接口信息采集(这30秒期间Web Server应当有流量进入,我们这里不停地访问hello world页面以作测试),然后生成性能分析报告,随后可以通过top10/web等pprof命令查看报告结果,更多命令可使用go tool pprof查看。关于pprof的详细使用介绍,请查看golang官方:blog.golang.org/profiling-go-programs


    1. john@johnhome:~/Workspace/Go/gf$ go tool pprof ""
    2. Fetching profile over HTTP from
    3. Saved profile in /home/john/pprof/pprof.___go_build_pprof_go.samples.cpu.001.pb.gz
    4. File: ___go_build_pprof_go
    5. Type: cpu
    6. Time: Apr 17, 2018 at 10:53pm (CST)
    7. Duration: 30s, Total samples = 80ms ( 0.27%)
    8. Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
    9. (pprof) top10
    10. Showing nodes accounting for 80ms, 100% of 80ms total
    11. Showing top 10 nodes out of 49
    12. flat flat% sum% cum cum%
    13. 10ms 12.50% 12.50% 10ms 12.50% github.com/gogf/gf/g/net/ghttp.(*Cookie).Get /home/john/Workspace/Go/GOPATH/src/github.com/gogf/gf/g/net/ghttp/http_server_cookie.go
    14. 10ms 12.50% 25.00% 10ms 12.50% internal/poll.runtime_pollReset /home/john/Softs/go1.9.2/src/runtime/netpoll.go
    15. 10ms 12.50% 37.50% 10ms 12.50% runtime.futex /home/john/Softs/go1.9.2/src/runtime/sys_linux_amd64.s
    16. 10ms 12.50% 50.00% 10ms 12.50% runtime.getitab /home/john/Softs/go1.9.2/src/runtime/iface.go
    17. 10ms 12.50% 62.50% 10ms 12.50% runtime.newarray /home/john/Softs/go1.9.2/src/runtime/slice.go
    18. 10ms 12.50% 75.00% 10ms 12.50% runtime.rawstringtmp /home/john/Softs/go1.9.2/src/runtime/string.go
    19. 10ms 12.50% 87.50% 10ms 12.50% runtime.usleep /home/john/Softs/go1.9.2/src/runtime/sys_linux_amd64.s
    20. 10ms 12.50% 100% 10ms 12.50% sync.(*RWMutex).Lock /home/john/Softs/go1.9.2/src/sync/rwmutex.go
    21. 0 0% 100% 10ms 12.50% bufio.(*Writer).Flush /home/john/Softs/go1.9.2/src/bufio/bufio.go
    22. 0 0% 100% 10ms 12.50% github.com/gogf/gf/g/container/gqueue.(*Queue).PopFront /home/john/Workspace/Go/GOPATH/src/github.com/gogf/gf/g/container/gqueue/gqueue.go
    23. (pprof) web
    24. Failed to execute dot. Is Graphviz installed? Error: exec: "dot": executable file not found in $PATH
    25. (pprof) web
    26. (pprof)

    其中web命令用以图形展示接口之间的调用关系以及性能情况,但是需要安装Graphviz图形化工具,以我目前的系统为ubuntu为例,直接执行sudo apt-get install graphviz命令即可安装完成图形化工具,随后再次使用web命令,最终生成以下图表:

    服务性能分析 - 图4